CONTACT US TODAY for Point of Sale/ERP, BULK Whatsapp/SMS, Biometric time attendance, Website Design and SEO, Rent Collection software, Digital Marketing,Digital Customer Feedback :Email 0716413386, 0780655987, 0754413386
Enter your phone Number e.g 254716413386
Enter name of the product/service you may need e.g Sale/ERP, BULK Whatsapp/SMS, Biometric time attendance, Website Design and SEO, Rent Collection software, Digital Marketing,Digital Customer Feedback, influencer marketing,become our agent/ reseller for good commissions etc
Kindly indicate on the above field if you would want us to give you a chance to talk about your business during the meeting..
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More Details
Robisearch is an ICT business organization that deals ICT based solutions. We have been in the industry since 2011. Our main activity is software developement. We serve over 2500 custoners Kenya wide with some of our partner being JKUAT, METROPOL TV, ELIMU TV, SIMBANET KENYA, ADVANTA AFRICA, INFOBIP LTD,UWEZO KENYA etc


Below are some of our services and solutions:
1. Point of Sale ( POS) System/ERP.
2. Bulk SMS and Bulk Whatsapp.
3. Biometric time Attendance and access control system.
4. Website design and Mobile Applications developments.
5. CCTV installation and Networking services.
6. Rental Collection and property management systems.
7. Digital customer Feedback and Visitor book software .

Feel free to contact us:
Phone: 0780655987
Phone: 0716413386
Phone: 0754413386
Experiencing any problem? Send an email to or follow us on Facebook or on Twitter. . You can also view more on our website
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